We want this forum to be a fun, safe place for you...
and because of what we've learn in other forums...(mostly free groups or forums)
many people can be rude and ugly and that is no fun. Many free forums or groups are plagued with TROLLS.
In case you don't know what a TROLL is... defined: simply someone who has nothing better to do but give people a hard time by being mean, rude and unpleasant, simply because they can hide behind the safety of their computer.
That is WHY we have chosen to make many areas in this forum for PREMIUM SUPPORTERS. Many areas are FREE and allow you to chat with, meet and greet and have a wonderful time in the forum.
However...Trolls and otherwise mean people often will not pay to be mean.
While the below rules is NOT an exhaustive list, the golden rule applies... "Treat others the way you would want to be treated."
Forum Rules
Be Kind
No Spamming or posting of links to self promote or sell anything. (For Sell Items are only allowed in the Classified or Real Estate Sections)
Life is short...so get out of the Rat Race and Enjoy Paradise in Costa Rica.