I am anxious to hear about that, too, Dennis. We do have items we would like to bring that would help us in the long run (my husband can build and has extensive tools). But we cannot afford to have every single item taxed.
When does the legislative branch work in Costa Rica? Are they in session year round?
"...apparently riding the dog like its a small horse is frowned upon in this establishment!..." :-)
Not sure about the legislation process in CR but here is the link that has some information https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legislative_Assembly_of_Costa_Rica
I don't have a lot of stuff but would like to purchase a car here and bring it with me if the import tax is removed.
I will be making my first trip to CR from Dec 6th to Dec 22nd just to look at the different areas and see which would be a good fit.
My first stop is in the area by Allen/Rebecca as it looks like a good fit for me.